viernes, 19 de junio de 2020


And finally, to end the Pirates Project, I introduce you to the most adventurous and brave pirates of our school:
Y para terminar con el Proyecto de los Piratas, os presento a los piratas más aventureros y valientes del CRA:

These are the pirate brothers, Alberto and Álvaro, with their hats.

 This is Álex with his weapons and treasure                             Hugo with his hat and hook.

Hiding behind that hat and hook there is Mateo

Paula the pirate and her treasure chest with gems and a parrot.

Iker, the most scary pirate, with sword, eye patch, head band and parrot.

 This is Martina looking through her spyglass.

These are Leo and Unax with their hats, spyglasses, hooks and chests.

Lucas, Joel and Anara perfectly equipped with their hats, hooks, spyglasses and treasure chests.

Yoel with his spyglass, hat and hook

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